

Robert Carlson, President of World Farmers' Organisation (WFO) took part in the High-level discussion at Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day (ALL5) held earlier this month in Doha, Qatar. His message to the audience members was not unclear, as he demanded action on food security and farmers now.

He pointed out that the United Nations has never before been faced with such a critical and enormous challenge - feeding hundreds of thousands of additional human beings every day, under a changing climate. Food production needs to be increased. And farmers need help to adapt.            

We are getting closer to a food crisis, and policy makers haven’t figured out how much danger our agricultural production is in due to climate change, Carlson says in the above video.

Developing country farmers, especially women farmers, need help to increase production to feed their growing populations. To do so, women need equal rights when it comes to owning land, access to information and technologies and credits.

There are successes from the field, Carlson mentiones, where women have taken leadership and increased food production and become farming champions in their communities and a role-model for other women farmers. The message of powerful women and what they can achieve with more information and support, needs to be told and shared with others, he continues, to encourage change. “The future depends, to a large degree, on women farmers and getting them their rights”, Carlson emphasizes in the clip. 

Read more about what we are doing on gender in the context of agriculture and climate change.

Cecilia Schubert is a communications assistant at the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Follow the latest developments from the UN climate talks in Doha on our blog, on twitter @cgiarclimate and #ALLForest