
Agriculture and Climate Change in Africa: Vulnerabilities, Impact and Adaptation

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Successful adaptation case studies for a climate resilient agriculture will be highlighted during a side meeting convened by CCAFS on Agriculture and Climate Change in Africa

The meeting will include presentations by African scientists and will showcase adaptation case studies for a climate resilient agriculture.

African agricultural production conducted in diverse agro ecological and climatic zones and farming systems, is still a key sector for improving food security, creating employment, stimulating economic growth and reducing poverty.

With that background, the Chair of the African Group of Negotiators (AGNs) requested the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) East Africa to support the preparation of Technical and Position Papers on Agriculture and Climate Change in the context of Africa.

 A team of 15 experts from five sub-regions of Africa (Northern, Western, Central, Eastern and Southern) were selected to write detailed technical papers on Agriculture and Climate Change in Africa: Vulnerabilities, Impact and Adaptation, which will be presented during the side event on 10 November 2013.

During the event, experts will discuss the current:
a) State of African agriculture,
b) Vulnerabilities, impact and adaptation strategies for a climate resilient agriculture c) Opportunities for adaptation co-benefits in agriculture
d) Enabling framework to accelerate climate change adaptation and
f) Agriculture issues under the UNFCCC process. Successful adaptation case studies for a climate resilient agriculture will also be highlighted.

Event moderator: Dr. James Kinyangi – CCAFS East Africa Regional Program Leader


  • Dr. Alex Awiti – Director and Assistant Professor, East African Institute of The Aga Khan University
  • Prof. Henry Mahoo - Associate Professor, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
  • Prof. Roland Schulze - Professor Emeritus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus
  • Dr. Sidat Yaffa - Assistant Professor, University of The Gambia (UTG), and President/Chief Scientific Officer, SLS Consulting, LLC
  • Dr. George Wamukoya - Climate Change Advisor, COMESA
  • Mr. Frederick Kossam - Head of Climate Change and Research Services, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Management, Malawi

Coffee/ tea and lunch will be provided for all participants.