
Farmers Day at COP21

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A farmer in Senegal shows her groundnuts, which are growing well thanks to climate information. Learn about similar initiatives at Farmers Day at COP21. Photo: V. Meadu (CCAFS)

Join us in improving resilience and productivity to deliver food security! Farming advocates invite you to their events at the UNFCCC Conference of Parties

Coordinated by the World Farmers' Organisation in collaboration with the UNFCCC Secretariat, Farmers Day brings together farming groups, researchers, civil society, and other advocates to share perspectives on agriculture in light of the United Nation climate change negotiation this December in Paris.

Events will take place on 2 December in the official conference venue - a "blue zone" delegate pass is required but no further registration is needed. Further event details will be added here shortly. Join the conversation online using #FarmersDay and #COP21

For more information contact Ceris Jones, World Farmers' Organisation.

List of events

11:30—13:00, Observer room 03

Partnerships to improve agricultural resilience and productivity in a changing climate

Farmers from around the world and experts from science, finance and the market will discuss the possibilities and practicalities of improving agricultural resilience and productivity as the climate changes, and examine the value of partnerships 
Speakers: Victor Biwot, tea producer Kenya. Luis Martinez, coffee producer Mexico, Romualdo Noble, Sugarcane producer Philippines. Fabian Waldmeier, Max Haavelar Switzerland. Mariana C. Rufino (TBC), CIFOR. Zaheer Fakir GCF Board. Andy Jarvis CIAT(TBC), Farmer representative WFO (TBN).
Organisers: Asociación Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC); The Fairtrade FoundationWorld Farmers' Organisation (WFO

15:00-16:30, Observer room 03

Partnering to scale-up climate-smart agriculture in Africa: from policy to tangible impact

Action is happening across Africa, from piloting of policies to creation of institutions, in order to support grass-root scaling-up of climate-smart agriculture (CSA), to build resilience and livelihoods of African small-scale farmers in a changing climate. Session will explore innovative partnership approaches to achieve CSA. The session will share experiences from the Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance. 

Organisers: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development (ForUM), Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU), University of Copenhagen (KU), World Vision International (WVI)

16:45—18:15, Observer room 03

Agroecology as a viable solution to create climate resilience and a sustainable food system
Agroecological practices, in particular agroforestry, can deliver many important services that will be vital in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. In particular we will speak about nutrition and food security, integrated landscape management and energy. 
Speakers: ICRAF, IFOAM, UN Standing Commission on Nutrition, WeForest, country negotiators, donors
Organisers: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF); International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM


View the full list of CCAFS events at COP21 in Paris.

​Report back: Innovative climate change partnerships bring hope for smallholder farmers in Africa (CCAFS Blog)