Climate-smart agriculture: Collaborative and bold approaches for a sustainable food system
Join the Financal Times breakfast briefing to explore how diverse stakeholders can work together to help mobilise a shift towards climate-smart agricultural practice.
The Financial Times, in partnership with Bayer, is delighted to facilitate this breakfast briefing for influential figures from the food and agriculture ecosystem keen to work together to find a way to improve yields and farmers’ outcomes so that they can feed more people a nutritious diet in an environmentally sustainable way.
Against the backdrop of an intensifying climate crisis, the challenge of feeding a growing population nutritious food without exhausting the planet’s resources is a big one. Innovation, digital technologies, smarter working practices and bold, joined-up approaches will underpin the move towards a more sustainable agri-food ecosystem. How can agri-businesses, NGOs focussed on sustainability and other key players in the agricultural sector work more smartly and work more closely together to develop a realistic approach to solving some of the biggest challenges of sustainable food production?
The breakfast briefing is structured to encourage dynamic on-stage discussion and meaningful off-stage conversation and the exchange of ideas with stakeholders and value chain partners from across the agriculture and food production ecosystem. The audience will include senior level representation from government and academia, sustainability NGOs, digital transformation practitioners and thinkers, food and agri-business start- ups, and investors.
Please note that registration for this event is required. Please register here.
Time | Description | Speaker/Panellist |
8:00am | Registration and breakfast | |
9:00am | Opening Remarks from FT chair | John Gapper, Associate Editor, Financial Times |
9:05am | Opening Keynote & Interview: Big Challenges Require Bolder Approaches | Liam Condon, Member of Board of Management, Bayer AG, and President, Crop Science Division Presentation followed by an interview with John Gapper, Associate Editor, Financial Times |
9:30am | Panel Discussion: Smarter agriculture | Henk Westhoek, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Department of Water, Agriculture and Food Dhanush Dinesh, Global Policy Engagement Manager, CCAFS Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt, Founder, the Fork Joost Oorthuizen, CEO, IDH (The Sustainable Trade Initiative) & board member, the &GreenFund Moderated by John Gapper, Associate Editor, Financial Times |
10:15am | Circular dialogues | |
10:35am | Closing keynote address & Interview: The Collaborator Practical insights into taking a collaborative approach to solving the big challenges of sustainable food production | Howard-Yana Shapiro, Chief Agricultural Officer, Mars
11:00am | Networking tea & coffee |
*For more information on each session please click here.