CCAFS helps to integrate CGIAR works and move towards One CGIAR

© N. Palmer (CIAT)
As a CGIAR Research Program, CCAFS is designed to integrate the science and expertise of CGIAR centers and partners to catalyze a transformation in agriculture and food systems.
Since its inception in 2011, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has brought together multiple CGIAR centers, CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) and non-CGIAR partners to address the challenges of today's and tomorrow's food systems in the face of climate change.
The purpose has been to move beyond single-center projects to integrating the work of multiple centers in a way that creates significant synergies.
"Towards One CGIAR: CCAFS' contribution to integrating the work of CGIAR" highlights CCAFS’ most important achievements in cross-CGIAR integration as of late 2020.
Highlights include:
- Partnerships aimed at climate-smart agriculture, like the Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate initiative that brings together over 100 organizations. including various CGIAR centers.
- Climate-Smart Villages, which are an example of the integration of multiple technologies, practices and institutional innovations from various partners from the CGIAR system.
- The close collaboration between CCAFS, the Water Land and Ecosystems CRP (WLE) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) on affordable climate and weather risk insurance for agriculture
- CCAFS' pioneering work on integrating different support tools, including the a special issue of the Agricultural Systems
- The SAMPLES program that builds on the expertise of various CGIAR centers along with international, regional and national partners to develop credible ways to measure GHG emissions
- CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security, which is hosted by CCAFS and has developed a database and substantial evidence to demonstrate how CGIAR already contributes to SDG 16 (peace and justice) and the potential under One CGIAR to strengthen these contributions.
- CCAFS' work on integrating gender analysis across CGIAR centers and CRP through its Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Flagship and its coordinating role in many collaborations on the topic, like this special issue of Climatic Change on “Gender Equality and CSA:
Framework, Approaches and Technologies”