
CCAFS at SB50 | Leave No One Behind: Enhanced Action through Community-led Solutions to Climate Change

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Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez, CCAFS Head of Global Policy Research, will co-host a breakfast meeting with Rare on community-led solutions to climate change during SB50. 

Please note this event is by invitation only.

Event details

CCAFS and Rare look forward to welcoming you at the Gustav Stresemann Institute (Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn Germany) on the 24th of June 2019 at 8:00 AM. A light breakfast will be provided.


8:00–8:15 AMEntrance & breakfast buffet
8:15–8:30 AM
Welcome and introduction
8:30–8:50 AM
Sharing the vision: Opening remarks of the co-hosts
8:50–9:45 AM
A conversation about empowering for change
How can local community action be enhanced so that it can be more decisively incorporated and acknowledged in the joint implementation of NDCs and SDG targets, in line with the call for climate action in 2020?What do we need to do in order to raise the role of community-led solutions in the Global Stocktake in 2023? What are opportunities for advancing this agenda and trajectory during the upcoming Climate Week and COP?
9:45 AM – End
Closing remarks


In 2015, we all signed up to two agreements that must be understood as profoundly convergent and mutually reinforcing. At the core of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the commitment to “leave no one behind.” This commitment offers an integrated approach to the UN Climate Agreement from Paris and UN 2030 agenda, tackling poverty, inequality and climate change jointly. There is growing momentum as countries step up to the need to update their Nationally Determined Contributions in 2020 and begin to realize that climate action is mutually reinforcing with Agenda 2030.

This informal breakfast aims to discuss the role of local community solutions for increased ambition towards the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, in ways that deliver on the imperatives of adaptation, mitigation and equity. Communities around the world face interrelated development and climate challenges and both need holistical solutions and offer opportunities for multiple wins. There is an urgent need to enhance the resilience of communities around the world, and in many rural and coastal geographies, this resilience also translates into more functional and integral ecosystems that deliver on our Paris pledges and help to stem biodiversity loss. Adaptation responses need to put in place the processes and practices that will tackle short-term threats and address long-term and slow onset impacts that are rapidly curtailing the development options of local communities. Across the globe, rural workers are already abandoning their fields, often driven by the implacable imperatives of climate change.

Yet, ensuring that trajectories are put in place around the globe to safeguard livelihoods and long-term productivity, thereby contributing decisively to achieving our 2015 commitments, demands effectively empowering communities to become change agents themselves. Shifts are also needed in how the tools and approaches we offer to deliver on the massive shifts needed to tackle the crises of the Anthropocene. Many efforts are underway to accelerate sub-national implementation of the NDC through community-led climate action, but we need to figure out how to take this to scale. Recent studies have highlighted the opportunities for accelerating and scaling sub-national implementation through community-led climate action. According to one study, “Indigenous Peoples and local communities manage at least 24 percent (54,546 MtC) of the total carbon stored aboveground in the world’s tropical forests” an amount that could potentially be higher.[1]

This is what translating the ‘Leave No-One Behind’ (LNOB) commitment under the SDGs means in terms of the climate agenda. As we look to 2020 and the enhancement of NDCs as well as our biodiversity targets, community-led and community-based action and solutions must be a priority. Maximizing nature-based solutions as well as stemming drivers of the 6th extinction, demands empowering communities.  We know that the climate challenge cannot be addressed without the SDGs and vice-versa but we are being too slow to act on this.

We know it takes a village to respond effectively to the unparallel crisis we are in. On the sidelines of UNFCCC SB50, the discussion will showcase examples of how local action is helping bridge the gap and aims to explore ways to ignite commitments to community-based solutions for increased ambition in delivering the shared agenda of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. How do we showcase the political relevance and generate the needed leadership to put forward commitments towards locally-led solutions? Ahead of the UN Climate Summit and COP25 in Chile, what does it take to enhance the role of community-led, nature based solutions in delivering across the climate and development agendas? How can we vertically integrate community actions, commitments and solutions into national plans and strategies in support of enhanced actions?
