
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) broadcast a seminar with Karen Garrett on "Managing pests and disease under climate change: What do we need to learn?". Karen Garrett is a Professor in plant pathology at Kansas State University. The presentation will be followed by a 30 minute interactive discussion session.

Climate change is likely to create additional challenges to food security and economic development, particularly in developing countries where pests and diseases already cause significant crop yield losses.

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The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) broadcast a seminar with Karen Garrett on "Managing pests and disease under climate change: What do we need to learn?". Karen Garrett is a Professor in plant pathology at Kansas State University. The presentation will be followed by a 30 minute interactive discussion session.

Climate change is likely to create additional challenges to food security and economic development, particularly in developing countries where pests and diseases already cause significant crop yield losses. Dr. Karen Garrett and her team have conducted regional studies to produce simple estimates of the effects of climate change variability on disease and pest risk. In her seminar, she will explore approaches for managing pests and disease under climate change, including what we already know and what we still need to learn.

Watch a recording of the seminar

Download the seminar presentation  (PDF)

Learn more about the CCAFS video seminar series.