
Using CIS in Senegal increased household incomes by 10-25% and enabled stakeholders to better plan and coordinate


In 2015, a study showed that the development of climate information systems(CIS) in Senegal by ANACIM, CCAFS and their partners, led to seasonal forecasts transmitted nationwide and allowed an estimated 7 million rural dwellers to access CIS.

A multidimensional evaluation in 2019 demonstrated 75% of farmers interviewed use CIS, while access to multidisciplinary working groups with use of CIS leads to increased income by 10-25%. Over 160 stakeholders were involved in CIS development, transmission or use, leading to systemic transformations including emergence, ownership and empowerment of multiple actors across the country.


CCAFS. 2019. Using CIS in Senegal increased household incomes by 10-25% and enabled stakeholders to better plan and coordinate. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security