
Workshop on Climate and Colombian Agricultural Sector: Adaptation to sustainable production

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This workshop will show the main advances of a unique project in the region which brings together for the first time, the national government, academia, research centers and farmers' associations. Photo: N. Palmer (CIAT)

This workshop will serve as the quarterly follow-up meeting between CIAT and MADR while also sharing major advances and lessons learned from the first 10 months of this unique collaboration, with key national stakeholders.

Within the framework of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Latin America and its research activities, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) are implementing a unique regional project. It will, for the first time, bring together national government, researchers and research centers as well as farmers associations dealing with for example maize, beans, rice, potato and palm oil.

This regional project seeks to:
(i) Strengthen technical capacity and cooperation among the involved actors,
(ii) Identify and evaluate concrete options for mitigation and adaptation, and
(iii) Provide inputs for formulating national plans and strategies (both in the short and medium term) that would improve the sector’s capacity to respond to effects of climate change and variability.

This workshop will serve as the quarterly follow-up meeting between CIAT and MADR while also sharing major advances and lessons learned with key national stakeholders, from the first 10 months of this project.

The workshop will feature presenters Walter Baeghten and Ousmane Ndiaye, who will share experiences and lessons learned from the ongoing South-South learning activities  between Colombia and Senegal.
  • Walter BaeghtenDirector of the Regional and Sectorial Research Program and leader of the Latin America and the Caribbean program in the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University.
  • Ousmane NdiayeHead of Climate and Society of the Senegal National Meteorological Agency (ANACIM, its French acronym)

Learn more about the MADR & CIAT partnership in this video [in Spanish]: