
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) in Latin America is starting its formal activities this year.

Up to now, CCAFS Latin America has been in a stage of diagnostic in which the main activities were related to establishing alliances with strategic partners, determining its working sites, identifying opportunities and gaps in the region on issues related to climate change and agriculture, as well as, designing its long term strategy.

The stage of diagnostic is finished and now, a workshop constitutes a perfect opportunity to present, discuss and construct a robust strategy for CCAFS in Latin America in a participatory manner through environments such as those provided in a workshop where national and international research centers meet with key partners and governments

The Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) has not only experience in organizing this kind of events; but most important, is one of CCAFS main and closest partners in the region. IICA has been working for long time in Latin America and knows very well its dynamics especially on issues related to agriculture.

Expected outputs of the workshop:

  • Feedback and consolidation of CCAFS Latin America Long Term Strategy.
  • Identification of opportunities and gaps
  • Inputs for selection of working sites in Latin America.


Participants will include representatives from key Latin American countries, CCAFS contact points at CGIAR research centers based in the region, as well as other partners that are either already developing relevant activities in the region or could potentially become key actors, and members of the CCAFS Latin America team.