Post-Durban Agriculture and Climate Change Workshop for Southern Africa
The importance of agriculture to economic growth and rural livelihoods, its vulnerability to climate change implies that building resilience to climate change in Southern Africa must be of primary importance. In this regard comprehensive agricultural adaptation and mitigation strategies to meet the food and income needs of current and future generations have to be implemented. The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program of the CGIAR, in partnership with COMESA and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is committed to working with countries in Southern Africa and other stakeholders with a view to developing a common position on issues related to agriculture for SBSTA consideration. This will ensure that priority areas for the region would be reflected in the ongoing international climate change negotiations.
The importance of agriculture to economic growth and rural livelihoods, its vulnerability to climate change implies that building resilience to climate change in Southern Africa must be of primary importance. In this regard comprehensive agricultural adaptation and mitigation strategies to meet the food and income needs of current and future generations have to be implemented. The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program of the CGIAR, in partnership with COMESA and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is committed to working with countries in Southern Africa and other stakeholders with a view to developing a common position on issues related to agriculture for SBSTA consideration. This will ensure that priority areas for the region would be reflected in the ongoing international climate change negotiations.
Objectives of the Workshop
The objectives of the workshop are two-fold:
- To review the Durban package resulting from the COP17 meeting.
- To identify key issues relating to agriculture with a view to preparing a common position submissions to be for consideration by SBSTA pursuant to the COP17 Decision 1/CP17.
Expected Outputs
The anticipated workshop outputs are to:
- Common position on key issues on agriculture that could form the basis of the SBSTA work.
- A framework for an agriculture NAMA that incorporates adaptation and mitigation measures enabled by internationally supported technology development and transfer, capacity building and finance.
Participants from the Southern Africa countries will be drawn from government institutions, farmer organizations, research institutions, civil society organizations, universities and private sector. The workshop is for invited guests only.