
Shaping equitable climate change policies for resilient food systems across Central America and the Caribbean

Project description

This CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) project works closely with countries and regional bodies in Central America to improve decision making processes, policy design and implementation to support more resilient food systems for improved food security and nutrition in the context of progressive climate change. We take stock of existing policies and regulations to understand barriers and success factors in order to inform more appropriate policy mixes to address the complex, cross-sectoral agenda of climate change, food security and nutrition. Through the development and analysis of exploratory scenarios and foresight, including on gender-related issues, and the modelling of possible impacts under climate change, we support the formulation of improved or new policies, decision making processes and governance structures at national and regional levels. By 2020 we will have contributed to an equitable and enabling institutional and policy environment for sustainable food systems under progressive climate change.

The project consists of four main components including policy mix analysis, explorative scenarios development, and modelling of food and nutrition futures in parallel to demand-driven policy engagement and gender analysis. The project will be aligned to an International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) funded project "A Common Journey" led by CIAT on climate policy analysis and capacity building across C4 countries and other field-based projects where implementation of policies can be showcased. Concrete links with the policy analysis component of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) will be established.