Enhancing the incomes and productivity of West African farmers through climate-smart agriculture
Project description
In this project, CCAFS identified and estimated small-holder vulnerability to climatic variability and long-term change in Senegal. In addition, CCAFS designed efficient and sustainable adaptation strategies that can offset the impacts of climate change on farm-level productivity, incomes, food security and poverty. The focus of the research was on the socio-economic impacts of climate change and the economic costs of adjustment and adaptation. The end product of the research was a concrete set of adaptation guidelines that can be used to guide national budget and strategy decisions and national agricultural extension officers working with farmers in the ground.
This research helped to train scientists working at the national Senegalese agricultural research institute, ISRA. These scientists were trained in both economic and biophysical modeling methods that can be applied directly to the project work. This resulted in the expanded ability of ISRA to analyze useful information and apply it towards the planning and prioritization of needed interventions for climate-smart agriculture.
The project was led by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) closely with CCAFS West Africa and will be implemented in Senegal.
Further Information
For furhter informatin, please contact Project Leader, Siwa Msangi (IFPRI) at s.msangi@cgiar.org.