
GHG mitigation in rice: From evidence-based concepts to adoption at scale

Photo: World Fish

Project description

This project focuses on options for enhancing the uptake of low emissions development technologies and practices in rice through new technical innovations, including, besides alternate wetting and drying, low-emissions straw management to avoid burning, limiting straw incorporation, efficiency gains, and avoiding losses through mechanization. A standardizing measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) prototype for rice emissions and mitigation is planned to be developed by building on existing approaches and integrating a specific calculator tool just for rice. A feasible MRV system is needed for both allowing for investments through public and private projects but also as a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tool for nationally determined contribution (NDC) implementation.

Expected outcomes

  • IRRI will co-develop two programs targeting 200,000 ha with low-emissions interventions and aims at reducing emissions in Vietnam by 300,000 t CO2-eq per year by 2025.
  • Update Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as well es developing an implementation plan for the rice sector.


The design of the project has been informed by gender studies conducted in Vietnam by the CCAFS project 'No Regrets' which found that ED options can address needs and capacities of both men and women working in rice-based systems. This project introduces technical innovations on mitigation and corresponding economic incentives to rice farming communities to improve farming systems and livelihood opportunities, and contribute to climate mitigation.

More information

For more information, please contact project leader Bjoern Ole Sander, IRRI (

Project Activities

This activity builds a joint research collaboration platform with the RICE CRP. It comprises new research topics that are seen as likely steering future R4D agendas: Low-emitting varieties, C sequestration in rice systems as well as food loss and mechanization. Together with an assessment of mitigation policies in Southeast Asian countries, advances in these areas will bring CCAFS in a strategic position for future funding.

The activities in this phase of CCAFS FP3 in SEA will strongly be guided by national partners. Collaboration will be intensified with key departments in MARD (e.g. Department of Crop Production), strong capacity building partners (e.g. National Agricultural Extension Center) and decision makers in key provinces. Supporting the development of nationally owned concepts, maintaining momentum and building the necessary capacity for implementation will be the focus of this activity.

A normative MRV prototype for rice emissions and mitigation will be developed building on existing approaches and integrating a specific calculator tool for rice. A feasible MRV system is needed for both, allowing for investments through public and private projects but also as M&E tool for NDC implementation. The MRV approach will be harmonized with CIMMYT?s MRV efforts.

Certification schemes, a priority of MARD in Vietnam, are seen as promising vehicles for incentivising uptake of low-emissions technologies. Under this activity we will work closely with the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) to assess entry points for low-carbon certification. Other established sustainable crop management packages such as '1 Must Do, 5 Reductions' will be analyzed as well. These entry points will form the basis for the development of a road map for a Vietnamese low-carbon label. An alternative pathway for private sector investments in low-carbon rice production is carbon trading. This project will assess the principle modalities for a national carbon trading scheme in Vietnam.

Project Deliverables