2020 CLIFF-GRADS scholarship awardees announced

Thirty-one early-career scientists from 14 developing countries will each receive research scholarships to boost their scientific capability.
On 9 December, to coincide with the latest United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid, the successful recipients of the 2020 CLIFF-GRADS scholarships were announced. The scholarships are provided by the Climate, Food and Farming - Global Research Alliance Development Scholarship (CLIFF-GRADS).
The 31 awardees will work in a range of research fields including rumen microbiology, rice production, soil science, rangeland management, and other topics. See the full list of awardees and their research topics here.
Nearly 300 students from 42 developing countries applied to this latest round of the program, as compared to 212 applicants in the second round earlier this year. Hayden Montgomery, the special representative of the GRA who is based at the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) at the Government of New Zealand, says: “The diversity in both the applicants and host supervisors is also growing, which clearly shows the value people are seeing in the program towards boosting research expertise internationally.”
CLIFF-GRADS gives scientists the opportunity to gain technical skills in agricultural greenhouse gas emissions management and opens the door to an international network of experts that are working toward reducing greenhouse gases from food production.
Read the full announcement on the GRA website: CLIFF-GRADS awardees for 2020 announced
CLIFF-GRADS is a joint initiative between the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).