
Our Common Future under Climate Change science conference

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A farmer at work weeding in a maize field. Photo: M. DeFreese/CIMMYT

This four-day conference is the largest forum for the scientific community to come together ahead of the COP21 of the UNFCCC in 2015. The conference will address key issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change. 

Side event 

Food and farming under climate change: Moving towards a global agreement

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Food and farming under climate change

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CCAFS scientists will participate in a number of sessions within the conference, and is also organizing a side event in parallel to the conference.

Parallel sessions 

Day 1 (7 July)

(17:00 - 18:30) 1115 - GHG Monitoring

Cost-effective guidelines for measurement of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and removals [read blog story]
Presentation by M. Richards (CCAFS), T. Rosenstock (ICRAF), K. Butterbach-Bahl, (International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya), M. Rufino (CIFOR- CCAFS), E. Wollenberg, (CCAFS) [see slides]
Day 2 (8 July)

(16:30 - 18:00) 2225 - Climate Smart Agriculture: Propaganda or Paradigm Shift?

Decision-support framework for targeting investment towards climate-smart agriculture practices and programs [read teaser blog story[read blog story]

Presentation by C. Corner-Dolloff (CIAT), AM. Loboguerrero (CCAFS), M. Lizarazo (CCAFS), A. Nowak (CIAT), F. Howland (CIAT), N. Andrieu (CIRAD), A. Jarvis (CCAFS-CIAT) [see slides]

(16:30 - 18:00) 2218 - Land-based mitigation: agriculture, forests, bioenergy

Emission and mitigation hotspots in the land use sector across the tropics

Presentation by M. Herold (Wageningen UR), M. Rufino (CIFOR), R. R. Roman Cuesta (Wageningen UR), L. Verchot (CIFOR), V. De Sy (Wageningen UR), S. Carter (Wageningen UR), A. Valerio (Wageningen UR), C. Martius (CIFOR) 

Developing a sustainable charcoal sector in Africa [read blog story]

Presentation by Henry Neufeldt, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), P. Dobie (ICRAF), M. Iiyama (ICRAF), K. Sander, (World Bank) [see slides]

Assessing low emissions development pathways for the agricultural and land use sector

Presentation by U. Kleinwechter (Laxenburg, Austria), P. Havlik (Laxenburg, Austria), N. Forsell, (Laxenburg, Austria), M. Gusti, (Laxenburg, Austria), Y. W. Zhang, (Laxenburg, Austria), O. Fricko, (Laxenburg, Austria), K. Riahi (Laxenburg, Austria), M. Obersteiner (Laxenburg, Austria) [see slides]

(16:30 - 18:00) 2217- Risk-aversion Behavior in Smallholder Farmers and Climate Change.

Evidence from Empirical Work in Zambia

Presentation by A. De Pinto (IFPRI), V. Smith, (Montana State University), R. Robertson, (IFPRI), A. Haruna, (IFPRI) [see slides]

Day 3 (9 July)

(14:30 - 16:00) 3320 - Food Systems and Food Security: Health and Environment

Household and food security: what lessons can we learn from food secure households? [read blog story]

Presentation by S. Silvestri (ILRI) ; S. Douxchamps (ILRI) ; P. Kristjianson (ICRAF) ; W. Foerch (CCAFS) ; M. Radeny (CCAFS) ; I. Mutie (ILRI) ; C. Quiros (ILRI) ; M. Herrero (CSIRO) ; A. Ndungu (ICRAF) ; N. Ndiwa (ILRI) ; J. Mango (ICRAF) ; L. Claessens (ICRISAT) ; M. Rufino (CIFOR-CCAFS)

Climate-smart Agriculture put into Practice: The case of Rice Production in Southeast Asia

Presentation by R. Wassmann; R. Russel; BO. Sander; P. Ficarelli, (International Rice Research Institute, IRRI)

(17:30 - 19:00) 2236 - Scenarios, public deliberation and decisions

From scenarios to climate action: insights from scenario-guided policy development across six global regions [read blog story]

Presentation by J. Vervoort (CCAFS-Oxford) ; M. Veeger (UCI) ; R. Peou (IRRI) ; M. Muzammil (Oxford) ; A. Palazzo (IIASA) ; D. Mason-D'croz (IFPRI) ; S. Islam (IFPRI) ; P. Havlik (IIASA) ; P. Thornton (CCAFS) ; C. Jost (ICRAF) ; W. Foerch (CCAFS) ; P. Kristjanson (ICRAF) [see slides]

(17:30 - 19:00) 4414 - Transformative solutions across scales: social learning, science, policy and dialogues

Doing Much More with the Same: Institutional Change and Social Learning for Sustainable Development Outcomes

Presentation by W. Foerch (CCAFS), B. Harvey (International Development Research Centre (IDRC)), T. Schuetz (CCAFS), P. Thornton (CCAFS), E. Le Borgne (ILRI) [see slides]


See posters from the following poster presentations: 

Private Sector Actions to Enable (or Thwart) Climate- Smart Agriculture in Small-Scale Farming in Tanzania presentation by Sheryl Quail et al.

Indigenous Knowledge for Seasonal Weather and Climate Forecasting across East Africa presentation by Maren Radeny et al.

Engendering climate-smart agricultural innovations in East Africa presentation by Mary Nyasimi et al.

Are We Ready to Scale-out Climate-Smart Agriculture in South Asia? presentation by P. K. Aggarwal et al.

Large Parallel Sessions

The following sessions include participation of CCAFS Independent Science Panel members

DAY 2 (8 JULY) 

(11:30-13:00) L2.3: Climatic Variability: Social and Human Dimensions of Vulnerability

Co-Conveners: Carolina Vera (Center for Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences - CIMA, UMI/IFAECI, Argentina), Cheikh M’Bow (World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF, Kenya) 

(11:30-13:00) L2.4: Early Warning and Tipping Points in the Earth system

Co-Conveners: Tim Lenton (College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK), Mercedes Bustamante (Department of Ecology, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil) [see slides]

Side Events

7 July 2015, 16:00 - 20:00

Carbon Sequestration in Soils: Towards an international research program and action plan

Co-organised by CGIAR, INRA and French agencies

8 July 2015, 14:00 - 16:00

Food and farming under climate change: Moving towards a global agreement [read the report back]

Co-organised by CCAFS and IFAD

Presenters include:

  • Stéphane Le Foll, French Minister of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry
  • Jean Jouzel, IPCC
  • Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS Flagship Leader 
  • Michel Mordasini, Vice President, IFAD
  • Wolfgang Jamann, CEO, CARE International