Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance side event

The Africa Union Commission, the NEPAD Agency and Partner International NGOs present a special Side Event on the AU-NEPAD Agriculture Climate Change Programme and the transformative AU-NEPAD-iNGO CSA Alliance on the eve of the 2014 UN Climate Summit.
The side event offers an opportunity to share and network on Africa’s practical and innovative strategies and actions to support rural and farming communities to scale-up Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices.
The AU-NEPAD-iNGO CSA Alliance (Africa CSA Alliance) is a unique and innovative partnership led by the NEPAD Agency and five international NGOs (Catholic Relief Services; Concern; CARE; World Vision; Oxfam) with technical support by CCAFS, FARA, FAO and FANRPAN. The Partnership aims to leverage the partners’ strengths into a collective effort to stimulate and support grassroot efforts to scale-up CSA. The Africa CSA Alliance aims to reach at least 6 million farm households practing CSA (part of Vision 25x25).
The side event will facilitate interactions and sharing on Africa’s efforts, initiatives and strategies to scale-up CSA, focusing on three aspects, namely:
- the Africa CSA Alliance as an emerging, innovative and unique partnership between Africa’s Continental Development Agency and iNGOs with a shared goal to catalyze scaling up of CSA in Africa
- An Africa-specific perspective and interpretation of CSA, which brings “people issues”, i.e. livelihoods and prosperity, as well resilience, to the core of CSA
- Partnership opportunities including related principles and modalities for expended support to result-based efforts to scale-up CSA within the CAADP framework
Additional to lead speakers including Ghana ex-President and UNSG Envoy on Climate Change, Mr John Kufour; NEPAD Agency CEA, Dr Ibrahim A. Mayaki and H.E. Commissioner, Tumusiime Rhoda Peace; and a Panel of Prominent Leaders and Practitioners, the Side Event will provide adequate time for open plenary debate
The event is open to all.
For further information, please contact the NEPAD Agency – Martin Bwalya ( and Tendai Sithole (; Sarah Lawan (
Additional resources: Africa CSA website and NEPAD website