
The Climate Data Tool

Meteorologists at the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia are excited to use the latest technology products during a CDT training session. Photo: T. Dinku (IRI)
The Climate Data Tool (CDT) is a free, open source R package created specifically for national meteorological services.

CDT allows national meteorological agencies to:

  • Organize millions of station observations

Download the tool

  • Assess data availability and highlight gaps in the observational record
  • Assess and correct data-quality issues
  • Combine station observations with proxies such as satellite rainfall and climate model reanalysis products in order to fill temporal and spatial gaps in the observational record
  • Evaluate gridded products, including satellite, reanalysis and combined data products
  • Extract data from gridded products, including satellite, reanalysis and combined data products, at any point, for selected a box, for any administrative boundary
  • Analyze and visualize station and gridded dataset

CDT is a free and open-source R package. It was developed as part of the Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) initiative by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.