
57 PhD candidates from 20 developing countries, of which 37% were women, will receive CLIFF-GRADS scholarships.

Read testimonals from past CLIFF-GRADS based in Argentina here

We are excited to announce that 57 PhD candidates from 20 developing countries, of which 37% were women, will receive scholarships in Round 4 of the Climate, Food and Farming - Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Development Scholarships programme (CLIFF-GRADS).

Increasing interest in the CLIFF-GRADS Programme has seen the number of recipients in this scholarship Round double after hundreds of applications were received.

The full list of awardees, their research projects and the 34 host institutes that they will be hosted by can be found here.

CLIFF-GRADS offers short research visits of up to 6 months providing opportunities for early-career scientists to gain exposure to equipment, software and expertise that they would not otherwise have access to at their home institute.

During their research visit, CLIFF-GRADS recipients will research rumen microbiology, rice production, soil emissions, and pasture management, among other topics.

Thes research opportunities are supported by GRA country members and international partners, and CCAFS supports these technical training opportunities for students.

View a list of Round 4 awardees


CLIFF-GRADS is a joint initiative of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) low emissions development flagship. CLIFF-GRADS aims to build the capability of early career agricultural students in developing countries to conduct applied research on climate change mitigation in agriculture. Funding is provided by the New Zealand Government, the CGIAR Trust Fund and bilateral agreements in support of CCAFS.

Learn more about the CLIFF-GRADS program

This announcement was originally posted on the GRA website.