Policy Forum on the future of Philippine agriculture: scenarios, policies, and investments under climate change

Upcoming policy forum to share findings from comprehensive book on the future of Philippine's agriculture sector under climate change.
The agriculture sector plays an important role in Philippines' economic development, accounting for over 30 percent of total labor and contributing to around 10 percent of the country’s total gross domestic product (GDP). At the same time, the Philippines, and particularly its agricultural sector, is highly vulnerable to climate risks and disasters, which have caused great damage to the economic development and GDP from 2000 to present. More appropriate and effective adaptation and mitigation measures will have to be put in place to enhance the economy’s resiliency to climate risks and disasters.
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) are collaborating under a three-year research project on Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change in the Philippine Agriculture Sector. The project forms a crucial part of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Flagship on Policies and Institutions.
The project team has recently completed a book entitled "The Future of Philippine Agriculture: Scenarios, Policies, Investments under Climate Change".
The book emphasizes on an updated analysis of the changing dynamics of supply and demand for agriculture as a whole and for key commodity groups and livestock in the context of a growing economy, urbanization, regional market integration, and challenges of climate change in the Philippines.
The book also includes empirical evidence on the impacts to date of climate change on the agriculture sector and recommendations on policy, and institutional challenges to getting agriculture a key pillar for the country’s pursuit of inclusive growth, poverty reduction, and sustainable development.
NEDA, IFPRI and CCAFS will jointly organize a Policy Forum Symposium on 18-19 September 2015 to present the results of the research project, and particularly discuss policy recommendations among a high-caliber group of stakeholders, that will further guide the development of more appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies for the agriculture sector. A soft launch of the book will be undertaken.
The two-day event will have two main parts: (i) one part will be a half day policy forum where the policy recommendations of the research study will be presented and discussed to limited audience, that will include high-level officials of the Government, key stakeholders in the agriculture sector and related sectors, including those that work on climate change, and the media; and (ii) a second part which will be a research symposium, where a more detailed presentation and discussion of the results and policy recommendations of the different component studies will be undertaken. Also to be included in the event, there will be a brief press conference about the results of the research study and a soft launching the book.
The specific objectives of the proposed policy forum cum symposium event:
a. Present the key findings of the book entitled “The Future of Philippine Agriculture: Scenarios, Policies, Investments under Climate Change” to policy makers and important stakeholders in the sector;
b. Solicit reactions/confirmation from government officials on the findings of the study, and policy recommendations; and
c. Provide a venue to engage key stakeholders and seek support in the implementation of the policy recommendations in various development processes (i.e., plan and policy formulation, programming and budgeting).
Participation is by invitation only.
Learn more, get in touch with CCAFS Science Officer & Project Coordinator Mr. Ioannis Vasileiou (i.vasileiou@cgiar.org) or Project Coordinator Ms. Rowena "Bing" Valmonte-Santos (r.valmonte-santos@cgiar.org)
The Policy Forum is organised by the following organisations:

Related outputs:
- Event Announcement & Storify board on IFPRI
- Press Release on NEDA web site. [Picked up by Rappler]
- Climate change forum to discuss the Philippine's agriculture and economic growth (based on Press Release)
- Article: NEDA pushes 3 agricultural policy reforms for ASEAN integration
- CCAFS Blog: How will food production in the Philippines fare under climate change?
Download Policy Notes:
- Agricultural growth and climate resilience in the Philippines: Subnational Impacts of Selected Investment Strategies and Policies (PDF). By Timothy S. Thomas, Angga Pradesha and Nicostrato Perez. Project Policy Note 2. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
- The economywide impacts of climate change on Philippine agriculture (PDF). By Mark W. Rosegrant, Nicostrato D. Perez, Angga, Pradesha and Timothy S. Thomas 2015. Policy Note 1. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).