
Which forecast represents the local weather best?: Preliminary case study findings from My Loi village, northcentral Vietnam


All three forecasts under-predicted temperatures, while AccuWeather overestimated and Windyty underestimated the total rainfall (for the two months, by 100 mm); however no systematic error could be determined to reduce the error.  As uncertainties are rapidly increasing with longer lead time than two days ahead, the researchers advise to follow several forecast sources to get a range of scenarios.


Roy A, Simelton E, Quinn C. 2017. Which forecast represents the local weather best?: Preliminary case study findings from My Loi village, northcentral Vietnam. CCAFS Info Note. Hanoi, Vietnam: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Roy, Antika
  • Simelton, Elisabeth
  • Quinn, Claire