
Farmers and genebanks: saving traditional crops with strong alliance

Farmers and genebanks are working to better understand the value added from conserving traditional varieties. Photo: N. Palmer (CIAT)

Telling the story of our work with indigenous and traditional agricultural communities in Cochabamba, Bolivia and in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Together with indigenous farmers we explored their possible alliance with genebanks to support the conservation, better understanding and value adding to traditional varieties.

Striving  to bring together formal and informal science, through participatory research we set clear working arrangements from the very start by discussing the project and commonly developed a Prior and Informed Consent that is the first step to move towards culturally accepted solutions.

Watch video below and read the rest of the story here.

Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research works to enhance the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity for meeting human needs by improving knowledge of all its different aspects. The Platform is hosted at Bioversity International.