
Climate change bill signed into law in Kenya

Stakeholders catch up during a Kenya national adaptation planning meeting for agriculture. The new climate change law sets up a legal framework for addressing climate change. Photo: S. Kilungu (CCAFS)

A first in East Africa, Kenya puts in place legal framework to address climate change.

Kenya has established a legal framework to address climate change issues in the country. This follows the signing into law of the climate change bill on 6 May by President Uhuru Kenyatta. The new law aims to develop, manage, implement and regulate mechanisms to enhance climate change resilience and low carbon development in the country, said the president on his official Facebook page.

In comparison to other East African countries, Kenya is much more advanced in terms of climate change planning and action. The Kenyan government is developing a number of guiding documents to tackle climate change as detailed in its National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) launched in 2010. The NCCRS highlights the robust measures needed to address the challenges posed by climate variability and change in Kenya. This includes the need for various frameworks such as the recently launched climate change law and a draft climate change policy (awaiting review by policymakers).  

A number of stakeholders are supporting the country’s readiness to address climate change, including the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) East Africa, who provides input to policy development by availing technical expertise. The process is coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Regional Development (MENRRD).

Read more about CCAFS contribution towards climate change action:

Update by Vivian Atakos, Communication Specialist CCAFS EA.