
Join leaders in CSA to take stock of cutting edge CSA implementation initiatives and identify successful recipes for scaling.


To demystify climate-smart agriculture (CSA) by identifying CSA best bets and discussing proven state-of-the art approaches to design and operationalize climate-smart agriculture investment plans.



Agriculture is likely to be the most affected sector by the impacts of climate change. Many developing countries included agriculture and land use change as an adaptation priority and also a mitigation opportunity in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Positive climate outcomes from the agriculture sector in both areas require the identification of climate-smart, context specific and investment-ready, opportunities for farmers, investors and policy makers.

Promising climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices exist and lessons have been learnt in recent years that can support decision-making to foster the agricultural transformation needed to address climate change. However, many decision-makers still struggle identifying the best bet CSA interventions in their own context.

The objective of this side event is to demystify CSA presenting practical and cutting edge CSA prioritization processes that have proven successful in over 30 countries and used by government officials, development organizations, researchers, the private sector and civil society, in order to open up opportunities for scaling them up.


Tentative program




Malik Amin Aslam, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan

Welcome remarks

5 mins

Tobias Baedeker, World Bank and Godefroy Grosjean, Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Launch global synthesis report on CSA profiles - Bringing the concept of climate-smart agriculture to life: Insights from CSA profiles in over 30 countries across Latin America, Africa and Asia

10 mins

Panel: Solutions to operationalize CSA investments and mobilize funding for realizing a food systems transformation

Moderator: Evan Girvetz, Senior Scientist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

David Radcliffe, Consultant on ASAP programme, DFID

Insights from IFAD ASAP programme in operationalizing CSA and designing interventions for rural transformation.

4 min

Atiq Rahman, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies

The Bangladesh Climate Smart Investment Plan: Identifying best bet CSA investment packages and understanding their long-term impacts for policy planning

4 min

Liva Kaugure, Natural Resources Officer, FAO

Overview of successful CSA prioritization interventions from FAO

4 min

Tasila Banda, National Project Coordinator, Ministry of National Development Planning, Zambia 

Operationalization of CSA investments for The Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project 

4 min

Riad Balaghi, Head, Agronomy and Agricultural Machinery Department, National Institute for Agronomic Research Morocco

CSA Investment Planning for supporting the Adaptation of African Agriculture Initiative

4 min

Giriraj Amarnath, Research Group Leader, Water, Risks and Disasters (WRD), International Water Management Institute and CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (IWMI/WLE)

Prioritization framework for land and water management interventions: experiences from Climate Smart Villages in South and Southeast Asia

4 min

Moderated discussion panel (all session parties to take part)

20 mins

Moderated Q&A with audience

25 mins

Evan Girvetz, Senior Scientist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Final remarks and wrap ups

10 mins


This event is part of the Agriculture Advantage 2.0 event series at COP24, a collaborative effort of more than 15 organizations with the mission to transform agricultural development in the face of climate change. Click here to see the series of events at COP24.

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