
Measures for climate change adaptation in agriculture. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems

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In this info note we provide a brief overview of key
adaptation measures in agriculture drawing on research
for development efforts by CGIAR Centres and partners,
taking into account the diversity
of agricultural systems, the role
of indigenous knowledge,
differences in scales of
adoption, and potential cobenefits
of these measures. A
twinned info note considers
agricultural practices and
technologies, which are one
sub-set of adaptation
measures. Updated: November 2016. Both info notes are
drawn from longer working
papers, all available at


Vermeulen SJ, Dinesh D. 2016. Measures for climate change adaptation in agriculture. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Vermeulen, Sonja J.
  • Dinesh, Dhanush