
Adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies in Lushoto Climate-Smart Villages in north-eastern Tanzania

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Agriculture holds significant potential for growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, production and productivity remain low due to factors such as climate change and variability, and limited access to and low adoption of appropriate technologies. Using data from Lushoto in Tanzania, this study explores the drivers of adoption of agricultural technologies and practices, taking into account the complementarity among agricultural technologies and heterogeneity of the farm households. The technologies include diversification of improved resilient crop varieties, inorganic fertilizer, and pesticides and/or herbicides.
The results show that, conditional on the unobservable heterogeneity effects, household adoption decisions on diversification of multiple stress-tolerant crops, inorganic fertilizer, and pesticides and herbicides are complementary. The results also confirm existence of unobserved heterogeneity effects leading to varying impact of explanatory variables on adoption decisions among farmers with similar observable characteristics. Thus, any effective agricultural technology adoption and diffusion strategies and policies should take into account the complementarity of the technologies and heterogeneity of the households. Such technologies could be promoted as a package while taking into consideration household and farm level constraints to adoption.


Ogada MJ, Radeny M, Recha J, Solomon D. 2020. Adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies in Lushoto Climate-Smart Villages in north-eastern Tanzania. CCAFS Working paper No. 325. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Ogada, Maurice J
  • Radeny, Maren A.O.
  • Recha, John W.M.
  • Solomon, Dawit