
CCAFS Learning Platform on Ex-ante Evaluation and Decision Support for Climate-Smart Options

Photo: Sara Quinn (CIP)

Learning platform description

The CCAFS Learning Platform on Ex-ante Evaluation and Decision Support for Climate-Smart Options addresses advance assessment of climate-smart practices, technologies and policies, helps set realistic CSA targets, and interfaces with CGIAR Research Program (CRP) breeding programs and foresight modelling work. The Learning Platform operates through alliances built around research activities, working with CGIAR Centers and CRPs where there is mutual interest and benefit. 


Work under the learning platform revolves around joint research activities, meetings, publications and concept note/proposal development. We also investigate and implement innovative ways of distilling and communicating learning.

Expected outcomes

The Learning Platform addresses ex-ante evaluation of climate-smart practices, technologies and policies, helps set realistic CSA targets, and interface with CRP breeding programs and foresight modelling work. The work contributes to developing information concerning what is “climate-smart” in different contexts and at different scales, identifying appropriate baskets of different interventions for different situations, and defining thresholds for system and livelihood transformation.

Gender and youth

Gender and youth issues will be taken into consideration as part of the ex-ante evaluation of climate-smart practices, technologies and policies.


More information

For more information, please contact project leader Philip Thornton, CCAFS (