
The third edition of the African Climate Change and Environmental Reporting Awards (ACCER 2016) has been launched. The competition aims to recognize and reward excellence in environmental journalism at all levels of society.

 Over a period of seven weeks, (8th March – 26th April 2016) citizen as well as professional journalists and other media practitioners from across Africa may submit entries demonstrating how their work has practically enhanced access to environmental information, built climate change resilience or changed the way societies “do business.” After the online submission process, finalists will be announced at the sidelines of the United Nations Environmental Assembly (23rd – 27th May) and enrolled in an intensive training program, the ACCER Awards Finalists Academy (TAAFA).

The winners will be unveiled at a gala night on the eve of the World Environment Day (June 5, 2016).

The ACCER awards are coordinated and implemented by Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) with support from a number of partners among them the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Christian Aid, the Government of Sweden, and CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) among others.


For more information, visit the awards website: http://www.accerawards.com/  or contact:

Malowa Oduol - malowa@pacja.org - Phone: +254 721 818 015


Muthoni - muthoni@accerawards.com - Phone: +254 720 95 88 15