Two states in Nepal implement Climate-Smart Villages, aiming to reach 6,000,000 farmers

The CCAFS South Asia Regional Program piloted the Climate-Smart Village approach of generating evidence on the utility of climate-smart agricultural technologies, practices and services in building resilient agricultural production systems in Nepal. The team has provided partners with technical guidance and knowledge for the design, implementation and M&E of the approach. Active stakeholder engagement played a major role in scaling up the project.
As a result, two states in Nepal are implementing the Climate-Smart Village approach, allocating RS 368 million per year and aiming to cover 697,207 hectares of agricultural land and 6 million farmers in five years.
Highlights from the project:
- News article: Government to make villages ‘climate smart’ | The Himalayan Times
- Blog: Adaptation through the Climate-Smart Village approach in Nepal
Project partners:
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Ministry of Agricultural Development, Nepal (MOAD), Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal (AFU)