2021 Brief What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system in Kenya? A network analysis Basel, Ashleigh Onivola Minoarivelo, Henintsoa Craparo, Alessandro Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Zimbabwe? An impact pathway analysis Madurga Lopez, Ignacio Dutta Gupta, Tanaya Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Mali? An econometric analysis Kangogo, Daniel Läderach, Peter Grazia Pacillo
2021 Brief What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system in Nigeria? A network analysis Basel, Ashleigh Onivola Minoarivelo, Henintsoa Craparo, Alessandro Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Mali? An impact pathway analysis Madurga Lopez, Ignacio Dutta Gupta, Tanaya Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Nigeria? An impact pathway analysis Dutta Gupta, Tanaya Madurga Lopez, Ignacio Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief Where are the most vulnerable areas to climate induced insecurities and risks in Kenya? Achicanoy, Harold Ramirez-Villegas, Julian Mendez, Andres Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief Where are the most vulnerable areas to climate induced insecurities and risks in Senegal? Achicanoy, Harold Ramirez-Villegas, Julian Mendez, Andres Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system in Mali? A network analysis Basel, Ashleigh Onivola Minoarivelo, Henintsoa Craparo, Alessandro Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Sudan? An econometric analysis Kangogo, Daniel Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief Where are the most vulnerable areas to climate induced insecurities and risks in Uganda? Achicanoy, Harold Ramirez-Villegas, Julian Mendez, Andres Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia
2021 Brief How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Uganda? An impact pathway analysis Madurga Lopez, Ignacio Dutta Gupta, Tanaya Läderach, Peter Pacillo, Grazia