
Webinar: The Paris Agreement, SBSTA and agriculture in 2016: Perspectives for Asia

The Paris Agreement opened the door for meaningful action on agriculture under climate change. Photo: V. Meadu (CCAFS)

Register now for a webinar designed to assist countries interested in making a submission for the SBSTA44 workshops or better preparing their negotiating teams for the SBSTA44 workshops.

FAO and CCAFS are organizing a webinar to assist countries in Asia-Pacific, interested in making a submission for the SBSTA44 workshops or better preparing their negotiating teams for the workshops. 

The webinar is organized for

  • Country UNFCCC focal points and negotiating teams
  • Government representatives from Ministries in Asia and the Pacific working on agriculture sectors and climate change issues
  • Colleagues in FAO and CGIAR

What participants will get

  • A deeper understanding of the SBSTA processes and what it means for agriculture sectors
  • Guidance on how to prepare interventions for SBSTA44 based on country priorities, including INDCs
  • An opportunity share views on SBSTA preparations with a wide range of regional peers and global experts

Webinar sign-up

If you are interested to participate, register online now!





Session 1 – SBSTA overview


  • How is SBSTA relevant to country plans for the agriculture sector?

Beau Damen, FAO

SBSTA in the context of the UNFCCC

  • Background to SBSTA and the UNFCCC
  • What will happen beyond SBSTA44?
Wojtek Galinski, UNFCCC

Preparing for SBSTA44

  • How can participants make effective interventions during SBSTA?
  • How to prepare interventions for SBSTA44 based on country priorities (including INDCs)

Conrad George, FAO

Overview Q&A Session

  • Opportunity for participants to ask questions



Session 2 – Addressing specific issues for agriculture at SBSTA44

Topic 1 - Adaptation measures in agriculture

  • Two short presentations from both CCAFS and FAO to introduce topics, key issues for consideration and possible priorities for countries’ interventions.

Sonja Vermeulen, CCAFS


Sharing regional views

  • ASEAN Member States submission 

Dada Bacudo, ASEAN CRN

Overview Q&A Session

  • Opportunity for participants to ask questions


Topic 2 - Agricultural practices and technologies to enhance resilience, food security and productivity

  • Two short presentations from both CCAFS and FAO to introduce topics, key issues for consideration and possible priorities for countries’ interventions.

Pramod Aggarwal, CCAFS


Sharing regional views

  • ASEAN Member States submission

Dada Bacudo, ASEAN CRN

Overview Q&A Session

  • Opportunity for participants to ask questions



Session 3 – Wrap-up and closing


  • How technical agencies can support countries further

Beau Damen, FAO

Closing Q&A and discussion

  • An opportunity for webinar participants to ask questions about the Webinar topics

All Participants



As follow-up to the landmark Paris Agreement, Parties to the UNFCCC are being invited to provide inputs to a number of global processes to support further development of the provisions contained in the Paris Agreement and associated UNFCCC mechanisms.

One such process particularly relevant for the agriculture sector is a series of technical workshops being organized at the 44th meeting of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA44) in May 2016. Specifically, Parties and official observers to the UNFCCC are being encouraged to prepare submissions for workshops on the following topics:

  1. Identification of adaptation measures, taking into account the diversity of the agricultural systems, indigenous knowledge systems and the differences in scale as well as possible co-benefits and sharing experiences in research and development and on the ground activities, including socioeconomic, environmental and gender aspects.
  2. Identification and assessment of agricultural practices and technologies to enhance productivity in a sustainable manner, food security and resilience, considering the differences in agro-ecological zones and farming systems, such as different grassland and cropland practices and systems.

The outcomes of the SBSTA44 will be consolidated into advice to future COPs on how to incorporate these issues into future negotiations, which could potentially influence the future direction of mechanisms to be developed in support of the Paris Agreement. As a result, stronger engagement with the SBSTA is an important opportunity for countries in Asia and the Pacific to draw attention to country-specific and regional issues for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (including crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture), emissions reductions from these and other land-use sectors, and climate change and food security more broadly.

Countries can be involved in the SBSTA process by making formal submissions by 9 March 2016 and/or by sending dedicated country delegations to attend the meetings.