
Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez

Dr. Ana María Loboguerrero Rodríguez is Research Director of Climate Action for the Alliance of Bioversity International and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Head of Global Policy Research for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), based in Cali, Colombia. In the latter position, she plays a major role in leadership on partnerships and capacity for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture that cuts across all CCAFS Flagships and Regions and all CGIAR Research Programs. She also manages global engagement processes and global synthesis topics that cut across all CCAFS Flagship Leaders, including report/paper writing, engagement and communication and leading on major CCAFS proposals. Through CCAFS, Dr. Loboguerrero has contributed to strengthen the agricultural sector in Latin America so that it is not totally dependent on climate variability, but on the contrary, it manages climate to its advantage, or at least to avoid the bulk of negative consequences. Dr. Loboguerrero has used her experience working in the public sector to become a key partner of policy makers and planners in the region so that they truly use climate information and tools to design and implement plans and strategies and find ways to make climate information useful and applicable for end-users.

Dr. Loboguerrero holds a Master and a PhD on Economics from University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA). She has more than 10 years’ experience of working on climate change challenges. Previously, she worked at the Sustainable Environmental Development Deputy Directorate of the National Planning Department of Colombia as coordinator of climate change. While at the deputy directorate, Dr. Loboguerrero led the formulation of the Colombian Climate Change Policy, the National Adaptation Plan, the National Development Plan and the research agenda on climate change as well as coordinated technical support for the Colombian Low Carbon Growth Strategy. Dr. Loboguerrero has also worked as an external expert panel member of the evaluation of FAO work in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Dr. Loboguerrero also led the Latin American Regional Program of CCAFS until recently. In this position she played a major role in partnership development aimed to build impact pathways so that knowledge in climate change leads to implementation.

Dr. Loboguerrero research agenda has focused on understanding how science can influence policy making and also on the construction and comparison between various types of economic models to assess the consequences of adaptation and mitigation for the economic development of the countries. This research agenda has helped deeply to inform policies and interventions that combine and consider trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation towards low emissions agricultural development.

Recent publications:

Arango J, Ruden A, Martinez-Baron D, Loboguerrero AM, Berndt A, Chacón M, Torres CF, Oyhantcabal W, Gomez CA, Ricci P, Ku-Vera J, Burkart S, Moorby J, Chirinda N. 2020. Ambition meets reality: Achieving GHG emission reduction targets in the livestock sector of Latin America. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4(65). 

Arango-Aramburo S, Veysey J, Martínez-Jaramillo JE, Diez-Echavarría L, Calderón S, Loboguerrero A. 2020. Assessing the impacts of nationally appropriate mitigation actions through energy system simulation: a Colombian caseEnergy Efficiency 13:17–32

Thornton PK, Loboguerrero AM, Campbell BM, Kavikumar KS, Mercado L, Shackleton S. 2019. Rural livelihoods, food security and rural transformation under climate change. Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Washington, DC, the United States of America: Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA).

Osorio-Garcia AM, Paz L, Howland FC, Ortega LA, Acosta-Alba I, Arenas L, Chirinda N, Martínez Barón D, Bonilla-Findji O, Loboguerrero Rodriguez AM, Chia E, Andrieu N. 2019. Can an innovation platform support a local process of climate-smart agriculture implementation? A case study in Cauca, Colombia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 44(3):378–411.

Jarvis A, Loboguerrero A, Martinez-Baron D, Prager S, Ramirez Villegas J, Eitzinger A, Born L, Gonzalez C, Tarapues J. 2019. Situación rural de América Latina y el Caribe con 2 grados de calentamiento. 2030 - Alimentación, agricultura y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe, No. 10. Santiago de Chile. FAO. 41 p. Licencia: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Andrieu N, Howland F, Acosta-Alba I, Le Coq J-F, Osorio-Garcia AM, Martinez-Baron D, Gamba-Trimiño C, Loboguerrero AM, Chia E. 2019. Co-designing climate-smart farming systems with local stakeholders: A methodological framework for achieving large-scale changeFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3(37).

Loboguerrero AM, Campbell BM, Cooper PJM, Hansen JW, Rosenstock T, Wollenberg E. 2019. Food and earth systems: Priorities for climate change adaptation and mitigation for agriculture and food systemsSustainability 11(5):1372.

Thornton P, Dinesh D, Cramer L, Loboguerrero AM, Campbell B. 2018. Agriculture in a changing climate: Keeping our cool in the face of the hothouseOutlook on Agriculture 47(4):283–290.

Loboguerrero AM, Birch J, Thornton P, Meza L, Sunga I, Bong BB, Rabbinge R, Reddy M, Dinesh D, Korner J, Martinez-Baron D, Millan A, Hansen J, Huyer S, Campbell B. 2018. Feeding the world in a changing climate: An adaptation roadmap for agricultureRotterdam, the Netherlands and Washington, DC, the United States of America: Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA).

Loboguerrero AM, Boshell F, Leon G, Martinez-Baron D, Giraldo D, Recaman L, Diaz E, Cock J. 2018. Bridging the gap between climate science and farmers in ColombiaClimate Risk Management 22:67–81.

Chirinda N, Arenas L, Katto M, Loaiza S, Correa F, Isthitani M, Loboguerrero AM, Martinez-Baron D, Graterol E, Jaramillo S, Torres CF, Arango M, Guzman M, Avila I, Hube S, Kurtz DB, Zorrilla G, Terra J, Irisarri P, Tarlera S, LaHue G, Scivittaro WB, Noguera A, Bayer C. 2018. Sustainable and low greenhouse gas emitting rice production in Latin America and the Caribbean: A review on the transition from ideality to reality. Sustainability 10(3):671.

Martinez-Baron D, Orjuela G, Renzoni G, Loboquerrero AM, Prager S. 2018. Small-scale farmers in a 1.5°C future: The importance of local social dynamics as an enabling factor for implementation and scaling of climate-smart agriculture. Current Opinion of Environmental Sustainability 31:112–119.

Aggarwal PK, Jarvis A, Campbell BM, Zougmoré RB, Khatri-Chhetri A, Vermeulen SJ, Loboguerrero A, Sebastian LS, Kinyangi J, Bonilla-Findji O, Radeny M, Recha J, Martinez-Baron D, Ramirez-Villegas J, Huyer S, Thornton P, Wollenberg E, Hansen J, Alvarez-Toro P, Aguilar-Ariza A, Arango-Londoño D, Patiño-Bravo V, Rivera O, Ouedraogo M, Tan Yen B. 2018. The climate-smart village approach: framework of an integrative strategy for scaling up adaptation options in agriculture. Ecology and Society 23(1):14. 

De Pinto A, Loboguerrero AM, Londoño M, Ovalle K, Suarez R. 2018. Informing climate policy through institutional collaboration: reflections on the preparation of Colombia’s nationally determined contribution. Climate Policy 18(5):612–626. 

Chirinda N, Arenas L, Loaiza S, […] Loboguerrero AM, Becerra Lopez-Lavalle LA, et al. 2017. Novel Technological and Management Options for Accelerating Transformational Changes in Rice and Livestock Systems. Sustainability 9(11): 1891.

Dinesh D, Aggarwal P, Khatri-Chhetri A, Loboguerrero AM, Mungai C, Radeny M, Sebastian L, Zougmoré R. 2017. The rise in climate-smart agriculture strategies, policies, partnerships and investments across the globe. In: Agriculture for Development: Special issue on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) 30:4–9.

Loboguerrero AM, Martinez-Baron D. 2017. Climate-smart agriculture across scales in Latin America. In: Agriculture for Development: Special issue on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) 30:10–11.

Loboguerrero AM, Hansen J, Baethgen W, Martinez-Baron D. 2017. Climate services and insurance: scaling climate-smart agriculture. In: Agriculture for Development: Special issue on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) 30:31–34.

Sain G, Loboguerrero AM, Corner-Dolloff C, Lizarazo M, Nowak A, Martínez-Barón D, Andrieu N. 2017. Costs and benefits of climate-smart agriculture: The case of the Dry Corridor in Guatemala. Agricultural Systems 151:163–173.

Campbell BM, Vermeulen SJ, Aggarwal PK, Corner-Dolloff C, Girvetz E, Loboguerrero AM, Ramirez-Villegas J, Rosenstock T, Sebastian L, Thornton PK, Wollenberg E. 2016. Reducing risks to food security from climate change. Global Food Security 11:34–43.

Clarke L, McFarland J, Octaviano C, Van Ruijven B, Beach R, Daenzer K, Hernandez S, Lucena A, Kitous A, Labriet M, Loboguerrero AM, Mundra A, Van der Zwaan B. 2016. Long-term abatement potential and current policy trajectories in Latin American countries. Energy Economics 56:513–525.

Calderon S, Alvarez AC, Loboguerrero AM, Arango S, Calvin K, Kober T, Fisher-Vanden K, Daenzer K. 2016. Achieving CO2 reductions in Colombia: Effects of carbon taxes and abatement targets. Energy Economics 56:575–586.

Calvin K, Beach R, Gurgel A, Labriet M, Loboguerrero AM. 2016. Agriculture, forestry, and other land-use emissions in Latin America. Energy Economics 56:615–624.

Kober T, Summerton P, Pollitt H, Chewpreecha U, Ren X, Wills W, Octaviano C, McFarland J, Beach R, Cai Y, Calderon S, Fisher-Vanden K, Loboguerrero AM. 2016. Macroeconomic impacts of climate change mitigation in Latin America: A cross-model comparison. Energy Economics 56:625–636.