
Register for this event here

This opening event of the Agriculture Advantage 2.0 event series will build on the outcomes of the Agriculture Advantage 1.0 event series at COP23 in 2017, which put forward a vision and action agenda for transforming agriculture under climate change. The event will showcase opportunities and emerging examples of transformative actions in food systems in response to climate change.

Tentative program





Brian Thomson, Senior Communications and Advocacy Specialist, Environment and Climate Division, IFAD

Welcome, objectives of the event series, outline of the session

10 mins

Martin Frick, Senior Director for Policy and Programme Coordination, UNFCCC

Opening remarks

10 mins

Ana Maria Loboguerrero Rodriguez, Head of Global Policy Research, CCAFS

Keynote presentation: Transforming food systems under a changing climate: From priorities to action

15 mins



10 mins

Panel discussion: Emerging opportunities for transformative actions

Moderator: Evan Girvetz, Senior Scientist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

40 mins

Graham Thiele, Director, RTB

Next generation technologies to tackle climate challenges in agriculture


Victoria Hatton, Senior Policy Analyst, International Policy Division, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand

Enablers for food systems transformation


Godefroy Grosjean, Asia Climate Policy Hub Leader/Climate Policy Expert, CIAT

Climate-Smart Agriculture: Identifying the best bets


Viridiana Alcantara Cervantes, Technical Advisor, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany

Transforming agriculture by recarbonizing the earth's soil


Dean Cooper, Market Development Manager - Energy, SNV

Leveraging finance to create opportunities for scaled climate action




30 mins

Evan Girvetz, Senior Scientist, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Closing remarks

10 mins



Registration is required for this event. You can register for the event here

This event is part of the Agriculture Advantage 2.0 event series at COP24, a collaborative effort of more than 15 organizations with the mission to transform agricultural development in the face of climate change. Click here to see the series of events at COP24.

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