Climate-Smart Agriculture online learning event
Join two webinars and learning events on climate-smart practices and climate change mitigation opportunities, co-organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partners.
Learning event programme
Webinar 1: Climate-Smart Agriculture – Definition and approach
Objective of the webinar: To share in-depth knowledge on Climate-Smart Agriculture approach and how that can be realized in practice.
Missed the webinar? Here are the presentations!
Introduction (Watch presentation)
Why climate-smart agriculture? By Alexandre Meybeck, FAO (Watch presentation and View the slides)
Climate-smart agriculture - options for practices and systems By Sonja Vermeulen, CCAFS (Watch presentation and view the slides below)
Knowledge gaps within climate-smart agriculture By Reuben Sessa, FAO (Watch the presentation and View the slides)
Questions, answers and discussion session
Webinar 2: Implementing Climate-Smart Agriculture – Policies and institutions are key
Objective of the webinar: To learn together on best agricultural policies for assuring increased productivity, resilience to climate change as well as reduced greenhouse gases emissions where possible.
Missed the webinar? Here are the presentations!
How can agricultural policies best support climate-smart agriculture? By Leslie Lipper, FAO (Watch the presentation and View the slides)
Country case of policy and field interplay for climate-smart agriculture By Siwa Msangi, IFPRI (Watch the presentation and View the slides)
Questions, answers and discussion session (Watch)
See the full programme of the online learning event
Please note that the recorded webinar sessions also will be available through the learning event page for everyone right after the webinar. The facilitated online discussion based on the webinars and the questions of over 1800 participants will go on until Tuesday, 27 May through online portals. One live webinar can host 100 persons at a time, and the seats are filled on first come, first serve basis.
Facilitated online discussions continue during the whole duration of the learning event (13-27 May) on FAO's foras on DGroup and the LinkedIn group.
Key questions of the learning event
What is Climate-Smart Agriculture, and why do we need it?
How can we implement Climate-Smart Agriculture? What would it require?
What kind of policies, investments and institutional arrangements should be in place to realize the change towards Climate-Smart Agricultural systems?
The event is organized by FAO’s Climate Change, Energy and Land Tenure division in collaboration with colleagues and partners, such as CCAFS. Enrolled participants will receive invitations to the webinars and more details prior to the event.