
Global Landscapes Forum 2019: Unlocking sustainable finance to transform food systems

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Launch of a new report, "Financing the Transformation of Food Systems Under a Changing Climate," at the Global Landscapes Forum 2019 in Luxembourg.


Global food systems will need to produce food more efficiently and sustainably to feed a growing population, achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and meet the 2°C climate commitments of the Paris Agreement. As climate change affects food systems, governments, food and agriculture companies, and public and private investors need to better identify and address the numerous climate-related risks they face. However, this can also be an inflection point to take advantage of new investment opportunities that the transformation to sustainable, low-carbon and resilient food systems presents. This will require addressing core market failures to move sustainable land-use financing into the mainstream to unlock the private investment needed.

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In order to identify the most effective way to move from niche to mainstream, the proponents developed the “Financing the Transformation of Food Systems Under a Changing Climate” initiative. This included a scenario analysis workshop and an extensive expert consultation with leading food/agriculture companies, asset managers, commercial banks and institutional investors among others, to identify how to reorient and leverage financial flows towards sustainable land-use. As a result, a sustainable finance roadmap was developed to provide a diverse set of policy options, innovative financial solutions, and strategies to advise governments, food and agriculture companies, public and private donors and investors on how they can support the transformation to low-carbon and resilient food system.


Under the umbrella of the Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate initiative, led by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) along with other key partners, a number of leading banks and investors will discuss how to move sustainable land-use financing into the mainstream. 

The session will start with the launch of the “Financing the Transformation of Food Systems Under a Changing Climate” report and its strategic sustainable finance roadmap. Next, a panel of private investors will discuss the role that sustainable finance and capital markets can play in accelerating the transition from niche to mainstream investments in sustainable land-use. They will also discuss specific strategies and innovative solutions that mainstream investors can use to reorient and leverage capital flows to sustainable land-use business models that are financially attractive and deliver environmental and social impact.


  1. Launch the "Sustainable Finance Roadmap for Food Systems Transformation" report
  2. Advance the dialogue on the role that sustainable finance and capital markets can play to crowd-in private capital to finance sustainable land use
  3. Identify concrete strategies and innovative solutions that mainstream investors can use to reorient and leverage capital flows towards investments in sustainable land-use


5 min

Launch of Financing the Transformation of Food Systems Under a Changing Climate Report

Presented by:

Alberto Millan, Sustainable Finance Advisor, CCAFS

Hans Loth, Group Executive, Rabobank International

50 minPanel Discussion

Hans Loth, Group Executive, Rabobank International

Pierre Rousseau, Senior Advisor, Sustainable Business, BNP Paribas

Alexander Pohl, Director, Client Network Banking, HSBC

Sylvia Wisniwski, Managing Director, Finance in Motion

20 min

Interactive Discussion

The panel will participate in an open Q&A session, where it will engage with the audience.

Moderated by:

Alberto Millan, Sustainable Finance Advisor, CCAFS

