
Side Event: Integrating food security and sustainable agriculture into climate change policies

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This side event, held during the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) event, will focus on sharing research findings from the current CCAFS partnership engagement, for integrating agriculture and food security into climate change policies.

This side event, held during the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) event, will focus on sharing research findings from the current CCAFS partnership engagement, for integrating agriculture and food security into climate change policies.

Type of side event: Moderated Discussion and Exhibition

In Africa, agriculture is the sector that is most vulnerable to climate variability and change. Consequently, the livelihoods and food security of millions of people who depend on agriculture are threatened. It is therefore critical to consider the role of agriculture in climate change adaptation and mitigation at the policy level. To address this, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) has launched a Regional Learning Partnership (RLP) to build capacity for evidence-informed policy making across Eastern Africa. The RLP brings together key regional economic commissions, institutions, policy entities, farming organizations and researchers and is focused on integrating knowledge outputs from CCAFS thematic research in order to inform the science to policy interface. Through participation in regional events such as the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), the partnership will engage policy makers and share widely the work of CCAFS and its partners. AMCEN will provide a platform to highlight how research can be used to inform policy; with a specific focus on the place of agriculture in the UNFCCC process.

Expected Outcomes: It is anticipated that the side event will achieve the following:

  • The knowledge generated by CCAFS and partners will be shared with policy and decision makers at the international, regional and national levels and offer new tools and approaches for strategic policy development.
  • Create closer linkages between scientists and policy makers

Organization and Management

It is anticipated that the side event will be attended by policy makers, scientists and practitioners (experts) from Africa and beyond. The event will run for 1.5 hours (12.30 - 14.00). We will therefore have 5 presentations of 10 minutes each followed by a 30 minute moderated discussion session. This will be structured as shown in the program below:





East African Community (TBC)

12.30 – 12.40

Introduction to the side event – (TBC)

12.40 – 12.50

Scientific findings on the potential impact of climate change on agriculture and food security globally and regionally (with focus on Africa) – (CCAFS)

12.50- 13.00

Defining the role of agriculture in climate change adaptation and mitigation ahead of COP 18 - (COMESA)

13.00 -13.10

Experiences from the field: Giving voice to the farmers - (Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) representative

13.10 – 13.20

Using field experiences to inform research and policy (CCAFS)

13.20 – 13.30

The role of insurance and risk management in addressing climate change – (ILRI)

13.30 – 14.00

Moderated discussion and closing remarks


For more information, please contact: Assenath Kabugi, a [dot] kabugi [at] cgiar [dot] org, CCAFS East Africa Regional Office Program Assistant