
West Africa Scenarios Workshop 1: Introducing and Developing Regional Scenarios

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduce rationale and process of developing futures narratives and scenarios, and jointly develop a set of four scenario narratives for West Africa.
  • Identify actors and actions for further development and modelling of the narratives.


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Participants list

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduce rationale and process of developing futures narratives and scenarios, and jointly develop a set of four scenario narratives for West Africa.
  • Identify actors and actions for further development and modelling of the narratives.

Wednesday 29 September

Session 1

  • Plenary discussion (questions and clarifications) – John Ingram

Session 2

Breakout groups to explore (i) What are the main driving issues and their uncertainties for West African food security and agriculture/land use?

  • 3 sets of top 5 drivers and the nature & magnitude of uncertainty

Session 3

Report back

  • establish consolidated list of main drivers and uncertainties  – Facilitated by John Ingram

Session 4

Three breakout groups establish between 2 and 5 plausible futures for West Africa; What are the major features of each scenario – AA to lead the introduction to this session.  

  • skeletons for between 2 and 5 scenarios
  • names of each scenario

Thursday 30 September

Session 1

  • Opening and Recap of Day 2 by Thomas Schwedersky
  • Report back from each group – presentation of their skeleton narratives

Establish consolidated list of 3 or 4 scenarios and agree on names (PE to facilitate)

Session 2

  • 3 or 4 breakout groups begin to flesh out the narratives (JI, AA, PE)

Produce main elements for each narrative

  • Breakout groups report back  (if required) – identify overlaps, major inconsistencies
  • 3 or 4 breakout groups continue to flesh out narratives

Session 3

  • Report back – agree on the main elements of narratives  - JI and AA
  • Scenarios road map: Identify, recruit and charge small writing groups and/or individuals to further develop the narratives; timetable and scheduling of tasks; dates and venue for follow-up meeting –  Andrew Ainslie

Session 4

Wrap up and evaluation of the Scenario development process over the past two days – 3 Scenario Facilitators