Transformative end-to-end innovation (E2EI) in a new era for food and climate: Insights and key actions supporting institutional change

There is a broad consensus that we need to transform our innovation systems, to achieve food security for everyone, under a fast-changing climate and other global crises. End-to-end innovation (E2EI) systems carry lots of expectations, since they have been employed successfully by different sectors, including corporate, health, education. But what does it actually mean in the context of agricultural research for development? And what needs to be done, to make the different institutions and innovations systems fit for transformative E2EI?
This Info Note highlights the key findings of the evidence review study “Understanding and support for end-to-end innovation approaches ahead of COP26”, towards a shared understanding and shared action, by providing:
A shared definition of E2EI in the context of transforming agricultural innovation systems;
The main building blocks of & potential barriers along the innovation processes; and
Recommendations for stakeholder-actions that are doable and impactful.
Koerner J, Duda A. 2021. Transformative end-to-end innovation (E2EI) in a new era for food and climate: Insights and key actions supporting institutional change. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).