7th Africa Agriculture Science Week

"Apply Science, Impact Livelihoods" - theme of the upcoming 7th Africa Agriculture Science Week.
The overall theme of the 7th African Agriculture Science Week (AASW7) and FARA General Assembly is “Apply Science, Impact Livelihoods”.
The program of the Science Week is organized around the following five key sub-themes:
1. Institutional systems and policies for making science work for African agriculture;
2. Sustainable productivity growth, value chains and profitable agribusinesses;
3. Human capital development and the Youth;
4. Sustainable financing of Science, Technology and Innovation for African agriculture;
5. Megatrends in African Agriculture.
On 14th June, CCAFS together with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) will host a side event on Strengthening climate services for agricultural transformation in Africa.
We will also avail interesting research updates on climate change, agriculture and food security in Africa in the exhibition area as part of the CGIAR Booth.
For more information about AASW7; visit the conference website.