Food losses and waste in the context of metropolitan food and nutrition security

Join a discussion on what the future of metropolitan food and nutrition security could look like and which role the reduction of food losses and waste will play.
Urbanization, growing world population and rising middle classes: (Mega) cities need more and more supply of healthy fresh food. What role do food losses and waste play in shaping efficient and sustainable urban food systems?
The growing world population, urbanization and growing middle classes will increase already existing challenges for metropolitan food and nutrition security. The supply of (mega) cities with healthy and fresh products needs robust and ef cient supply chains in order to provide suf cient food in good quality and for affordable prices.
Surrounding rural areas will be key for supplying cities and strong urban-rural linkages are needed in order to come to solutions. The urban-rural transformation has a signi cant impact on this development.
Building further on recommendations from the HLPE report #8 ‘Food losses and waste in the context of sustainable food systems’ and in cooperation with UNEP we will present an outline on what the future of metropolitan food and nutrition security could look like and which role the reduction of food losses and waste will play. The discussion will explore examples of good practices, possible interventions, monitoring tools, and the role of governmental players, private sector, knowledge institutions and civil society.
13.00 Ms Nina Waldhauer, Project Manager Supply Chain Management, Wageningen University & Research. Topic: The global challenge of metropolitan food security: How to translate into local solutions?
13.10 Mr Guido Santini, Programme Coordinator - Food for the Cities Programme, Rural and urban crop and mechanization systems (AGPML), FAO and Ms Camelia Bucatariu, Technical Of cer (Food Waste), Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction (SAVE FOOD), Nutrition and Food Systems Division (ESN), FAO. Topic: City Region Food Systems and Food Waste Management: Linking Urban and Rural Areas for Sustainable and Resilient Development.
13.20 Ms Larissa Uwase, Chief Operations Of cer & Co-founder, Carl Group Ltd. Topic: The role of innovations in reducing food losses and wastes for sustainable urban food systems. Moderator: Mr Hans Hoogeveen, Netherlands Representative to the FAO Interaction and discussion with the audience.
CFS 43 Side Event #44
Lebanon Room: Building D, Floor 2.
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- Wageningen University and Research Centre
- Government of the Netherlands: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken and Miniserie van Economische Zaken
For more information, please contact Nina Waldhauer at