Certain practices may be climate-smart in particular circumstances, but context largely determines the trade-offs and synergies for specific target groups and in differing enabling environments. Because of the mismatch between local (or sub-sectoral) and national objectives, analyses that consider the aggregate effects of local choices vis-à-vis national objectives are essential. Similarly, the effects of national policies on local realities will be investigated so that their feasibility can be assessed.
This research area addresses the following research questions: What are appropriate methods to carry out ex-ante evaluations, aimed at better targeting investments, across multiple scales? How can changes in climate variability be incorporated into impact studies and decision support tools? How should the climate resilience of large populations be tracked and measured, so that policies and programs are supporting appropriate activities and targeting the right people, particularly women?
Some example planned research outputs include:
- Data maintained on CCAFS and partner websites, including up-to-date downscaled climate information that builds on current data portals (e.g. ccafs-climate.org)
- Decision support tools developed and curated by CCAFS and partners for helping to set priorities and target policy development for Climate-Smart Agriculture, particularly analysing trade-offs to inform investment choices.
- Training materials developed and archived in the public domain, to strengthen the capacity of partners in applying decision tools in targeting, policy, and investment decision-making.
- Tools for cross-level analyses of policy alternatives in different contexts.
- Modelling of impacts on specific crop, fish and livestock species and quantification of uncertainties, in part fuelled by next generation G×E×M analyses and empirical/big data approaches to understand relevant abiotic constraints across climate gradients.