
Can we meet the food, water and energy needs of a growing population with increasing food prices, rising costs of energy, water scarcity and mass migration? The CGIAR Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF) represents one of the most comprehensive investments in the world on water, food and environment research. Through the paradigm of looking at resilience, water productivity and multiple-use, it offers a new approach to natural resources management research and potential solutions to the food and water crisis.

Can we meet the food, water and energy needs of a growing population with increasing food prices, rising costs of energy, water scarcity and mass migration? The CGIAR Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF) represents one of the most comprehensive investments in the world on water, food and environment research. Through the paradigm of looking at resilience, water productivity and multiple-use, it offers a new approach to natural resources management research and potential solutions to the food and water crisis.

Known for their innovative spirit, the Forum Series, this is the third Forum on water and food, are an important mechanism to share lessons learned across the program.

This year’s Forum falls about half-way through the 2nd phase of CPWF (2009 – 2013) and will be held in South Africa. It will focus on assessing the progress to date and how to best maximize and capitalize on emerging results within and also beyond the CPWF river basins.

A specific focus will be given to the water and food development challenges posed in Africa and the role research-for-development could play in addressing these challenges.

The objectives of the Forum are to:

  • Ensure cross-basin learning across key common areas;
  • Take stock of the opportunities and challenges presented by integrated basin based research for development with a view to further improvements across all basins;
  • Assess project and program progress for each of the Basin Development Challenges  with some early identification of anticipated significant results and key emerging basin, Africa and Global level messages, including potential to scale-up and scale-out.

Session Outputs:

Each session will provide outputs in form of session syntheses in form of bullet points collected by reporters/rapporteurs (assisted by social media documentation) centered on targeting primarily policy processes, scientific research, and the CPWF Community, with a potential to understand what these mean within the Basin, for Africa and at Global levels. These could then be used for a) a policy brief, b) a short policy-forum-type of scientific journal paper, and c) a lesson-learnt for CPWF paper. The inspirational Speed talks can be filmed and could be made into a little movie with the best of with a potential nomination and awarding ceremony.

Click here to see the event program.

For more information please contact the following people:

  • sipan [at] wanadoo [dot] fr (Amanda Harding); or
  • m [dot] victor [at] cgiar [dot] org (Michael Victor), for any media inquiries

Please visit the event webpage to read more or to register: http://waterandfood.org/ifwf3