
Webinar targets African journalists, bloggers and citizen journalists keen to report on  climate change and environmental issues in Africa. Register here to participate.


The Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) are excited to bring you a webinar on climate change and environmental reporting in Africa.

The webinar is one of the capacity building initiatives targeting African Journalists, Bloggers and Citizen Journalists keen on reporting on the climate change and environmental issues affecting the region. Other initiatives include:

  • The Africa Climate Change and Environmental Reporting  (ACCER) 2016 awards  - recognizing excellence in environmental reporting open 8 March – 26 April for submission of entries
  • Training for African journalists: The ACCER Awards Finalists Academy (TAAFA)- 30 th May – 3rd June
  • Six months online capacity building -  July 15th – December 15th 2016


The webinar will address the following:

  • Propagating the African narrative on climate change and environmental sustainability
  • Bridging the science policy gap: case studies of climate change solutions that work in the region
  • Opportunities existing in green investment in the public and the private sectors.
  • The Africa Climate Change and Environmental reporting (AWARD) awards guidelines


Wanjohi Kabukuru (Award winning journalist):  The role of journalists in environmental policy and law

Malowa Oduol (Media Lead - PACJA): The African narrative in environmental discourse, why should it be different?"

John Recha (Participatory Action Research Scientist - CCAFS): Climate smart solutions that work for farmers - lessons from East Africa


Target audience:  Science Journalists, Bloggers, Citizen Journalists working in Africa

Register here to participate!

For additional information, please contact:

 Malowa Oduol - malowa@pacja.org