Developing Public-Private Partnerships for effective access and use of climate information services by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali - Findings from the project “Addressing SDG15 in the Sahel by Building Pathwa

This research activity pursues three specific objectives: 1)Evaluate existing collaboration and mechanisms for mainstreaming CIS and agro-advisories into the activities conducted by the Great Green Wall National Agency of Mali; 2) Develop Public-Private Partnerships for the sustainable management of climate risks in the zone of the Great Green Wall; 3) Define activities, roles and
responsibilities and possible contractual issues for the sharing of costs and benefits between the actors involved in Climate Information Service activities in Mali.
Traore B, Bouare Y, Nikoi G, Zougmoré RB. 2021. Developing Public Private Partnerships for effective access and use of climate information service by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali - Findings from the project “Addressing SDG15 in the Sahel by Building Pathways for Transforming Food and Land Systems in a Climate Crisis”. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).