
Ruerd Ruben

Ruerd Ruben is professor of impact assessment at Wageningen University and coordinator of research programs on food and nutrition security and value chains at Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR), The Netherlands. His research concerns the prospects for smallholder participation in tropical food value chains, the effectiveness of rural cooperative organizations and the impact of certification in value chains. Ruben lived and worked for 14 years in Central America where he was engaged in programs of land reform, cooperative development and smallholder agriculture. He also coordinated interdisciplinary research programs on food security and sustainable resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. Previous to his current role, he was director of the Independent Policy and Operations Evaluation (IOB) department at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and professor in Development Effectiveness at the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN) of Radboud University Nijmegen.

In CCAFS Phase II, Ruerd is coordinating the Business models, incentives and innovative finance for scaling CSA research area under the Climate-Smart Technologies and Practices flagship.