
SocioSectoreRegión(es)Ejes Temáticos
National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC)Advanced Research InstitutionÁfrica del esteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway)Academic InstitutionTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
National University of LesothoAcademic Institution
National University of Rwanda (NUR)Academic Institution
Natural History Museum - GBIFAcademic InstitutionTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich (NRI)Academic InstitutionTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Natural Resources Management CenterGovernment office/departmentSur de AsiaServicios de información climática
Nature Harness Initiatives (NAHI)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationÁfrica del esteDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)National agricultural research and extension servicesSur de AsiaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC, Servicios de información climática
Nepal Development Research Institute (NDRI)Private Research InstitutionSur de AsiaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC, Servicios de información climática
Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ)Academic InstitutionSur de AsiaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Nepal Madhesh Foundation (NEMAF)Research networkSur de Asia
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationÁfrica del esteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Netherlands EmbassyGovernment office/departmentÁfrica del este
New Partnership for Africa's Development
New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Research Alliance (GRA)Advanced Research InstitutionDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute Limited (Agresearch)Advanced Research Institution
Next Generation Parliamentarians Group (NGPG)Government office/departmentSur de Asia
Nicaraguan Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA)National agricultural research and extension servicesAmérica LatinaDesarrollo bajo en emisiones
Njala University of Sierra LeoneAcademic InstitutionÁfrica del oesteTecnologías y prácticas ASAC, Desarrollo bajo en emisiones
Nong Lam University (UAF)Academic InstitutionSureste de AsiaTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI)National agricultural research and extension servicesSureste de Asia
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationServicios de información climática
Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk)Advanced Research InstitutionTecnologías y prácticas ASAC
Norwegian Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO)Advanced Research Institution