
Global Green Growth Week

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Photo: Global Green Growth Week 2017 website

Global Green Growth Week 2017 is the platform to generate innovative solutions for strong, inclusive, and sustainable growth in Africa and globally.


Hosted in partnership with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, GGGWeek2017 will gather GGGI members, stakeholders from the public and private sectors, international organizations, and civil society to strengthen and catalyze green growth in Africa and globally in order to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement and make progress on the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

GGGWeek2017 will address a number of key topics, including:

  • Mobilizing green/climate finance to bankable projects in developing countries;
  • Sustainably managing resources to address water and food security challenges; and
  • Developing and adopting policies that drive environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economic growth.

CCAFS will co-host the following session:

18 October 2017, 09:30-11:00, Conference room 5: Innovating Agriculture for Climate and Food Security in Africa

The session will bring together diverse stakeholders to build a common vision and foster collaboration in shaping innovative business models in agriculture to meet climate and food security goals. Business leaders, experts, practitioners and investors will debate promising innovations, their visible impacts on the ground as well as policy and investment challenges through cafe-style roundtables.

  • Co-organizers: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, Global Green Growth Institute

For more information, visit the conference's official website.