
Meeting global food needs with lower emissions: IPCC WGIII report findings on climate change mitigation in agriculture

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Scientists and policy-makers are exploring how farmers can be food secure while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For example, farmer Pham Thi Thai of Vietnam can change the way she grows rice to reduce emissions. Photo: G Smith (CIAT)

At Meeting global food needs with lower emissions: IPCC report findings on climate change mitigation in agriculture, scientists described mitigation opportunities and implementation mechanics, and practitioners and financiers identified actionable steps to achieve mitigation in the agricultural sector while also achieving food security.

Presentations have been uploaded and were videotaped and can be viewed through this page

The event was a joint effort of the World Bank, the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

For more information, please contact Julianna White, Program Manager for CCAFS Low-Emissions Agriculture.