
Food and farming under climate change: Moving towards a global agreement

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The conference will address issues concerning climate change in the broader context of global change. Photo: P. Kimeli (CCAFS

What is the role of smallholder farmers in climate change adaptation and mitigation, and how can a new climate change agreement address the challenges of feeding the planet under climate change?


Read the report back from the event

Video: Debate on food and farming under climate change

In association with the International Scientific Conference Our Common Future under Climate Changethe CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFADare organizing a side event on “Food and farming under climate change: moving towards a global agreement”

The discussion aims to raise awareness of, and foster discussion about the role of smallholder farmers in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture, particularly in relation to the upcoming UN Framework Convention on Climate Change conference of parties (COP21) in Paris in November. Panelists from a range of perspectives will present and respond to key issues and share experiences and solutions that are emerging from the frontlines of research and development on adaptation and mitigation. The audience will include COP21 negotiators, policy makers, development practitioners, and scientists.


14.00 – 14.05     Welcome and Introductions

14.05 – 14.15     Keynote Speech

Stéphane Le Foll, French Minister of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry

14.15 – 15.30     Panel presentations and debate

Opening remarks

Fernando Frutuoso de Melo, Director General, International Cooperation and Development, European Commission 

Part I: What is happening now?

Presentation (5 minutes) by Jean Jouzel, Working Group I Vice Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): “The IPCC AR5 conclusions about agriculture and food security (adaptation and mitigation)”

Moderated panel discussion on this topic (10 minutes)

Part II: Tackling emissions without compromising food security

Presentation (5 minutes) by Lini WollenbergFlagship Leader, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS): “Low emissions agricultural development: Reducing emissions from smallholder farming”

Moderated panel discussion on this topic (10 minutes)

Part III: Adaptation in smallholder agriculture

Presentation (5 minutes) by Michel Mordasini, Vice President, IFAD: “Emerging lessons from the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP)”

Moderated panel discussion on this topic (10 minutes)

Part IV: Agriculture in global climate change agreement: key messages for COP21

Presentation (5 minutes) by Wolfgang Jamann, CEO, CARE International: “Smallholder agriculture and climate change: How COP21 must make a difference”

Moderated panel discussion on this topic (10 minutes)

15.30 – 15.50     Q&A with audience

15.50 – 16.00     Closing by moderator: Summary of key themes and messages                                     that emerged.


Moderator: Elwyn Grainger Jones, Director of Strategy and Operations, Global Environment Facility