
Multispecies fodder bank as climate-smart option for an improved livestock nutrition in Northern Ghana

Photo: ILRI

Project Description 

This project is implemented with the ambition to improve fodder availability and nutritional quality for ruminants during dry periods in the Ghana Climate-Smart Villages. 

The development of a multispecies fodder bank that concentrates the species with forbs, grasses and fast growing fodder legumes has been identified as an opportunity for ensuring sustainable all-year-round fodder production and availability. The fodder banks has been diagnosed as an innovative approach to improving livestock nutrition during dry seasons and fodder scarcity period.


  • Establish a multi-species fodder bank with farmers to demonstrate efficacy for climate-smart livestock production
  • Assess seasonal fodder productivity to accentuate implications on livestock feeding
  • Assess soil carbon storage as influenced by the fodder bank
  • Evaluate the economics of establishing a multispecies fodder bank

Expected output/outcome

  • Multispecies fodder bank adopted by pastoralists as a viable option for improved livestock nutrition
  • Capacity of farmers built in the establishment and management of fodder banks
  • Seasonal fodder biomass productivity at CSV known for decision making on best-bet feed improvement options
  • Economic importance of fodder bank determined to inform local investment needs


The project is led by CCAFS in collaboration with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Animal Research Institute (CSIR-ARI

Further information

For further information, please contact: Robert B. Zougmoré ( and Franklin Avornyo (